Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

my love never fading

i've known u so long
yet our love is new
i can't patience
till i can finally be with youu

you're so far
i dunno what should i do
i spend my time days and night
just think of you

it seems so long
since i saw you last
everyday im not with you
its make me miss youu , but my love is never fading

true lovee

when i 1st met you
i felt something was different
i knew you felt it too
but i didn't know how to handle it
it was something my heart , never knew

fo the first time ever
you had opened my heart
something no one else could do , and i mean never
it was such a wonderful start
i want this forever !

we were 2 wholes combined
to a complete happiness together
it seemed as though our souls had rhymed
i could not have imagined anything better

although there were times when we would fight
it would always work out for the better
nothing could stop us
i wanted ur heart to always be mine

our love was too true for each other
even if we would split up
the love would always remain forever
in my heart , i know you are the only one for me
you are my soul mate , my friend , and my lover

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

u r my everythgg :)

when we 1st fell in luv
i thought that nthg could compare
to d magical romance
that u n i had come to share

but as tyme passed, feeling deepend,
n our closeness grew
d romance turned into
a real n lasting luv wif euu

u care vo me in all d ways
i wan n need so much
i've felt ur warmth n tenderness
wif evry word n touch

i kno i can depend on u
vo support n honesty
that patient understanding
that u olwes gve to me

there's a special kind ov happiness
that only luv can bring ,,
n i've found that happiness wif euu
u r my evrythg ...

this love for u i feel :DD

love was once a feeling i knew
tat didn't have meaning
till i met youu :)

now i see d world
its bright light
with you in my life , everythg feels right :)

i see a future full of smiles & joy
growing old together

u give me happiness
i never tot could b real , my greatest blessing in life
is this love for u i feel

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

d hardest thing is saying gudbyeee :(

saying gudbye is d hardest thing to do
when u'r saying gudbye to sumone , who's still love youu

u wanna hold on , try to make it better
dun wanna hurt her , but u noe u'll
sumone u love before , u just dun love anymore
u gotta walk away :(

deep inside its killing u , cous u make her heart broken
n u make her cry
thats won't change anything , when u find d feeling is gone

i dunno wats on my mind ?

i dunno wat is it
i dunno wat u do

u drive me crazy , i thinka of u everytyme
dunno why my mind start thinking of u

when im gonna stop thinking of u
my mind start think , wat u doin , hows ur life today , wat have u done today
tats all on my mind babyy

i met a lot of guys out there , but nobody like youu
i've done the best thing to make u happy
babyy u'r the best of the best :))

wateve it is , i dun care
i just want u to stay by my side , never eve let u go :)
i'ma stay right here with youu my babyy :)

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

feel so different

feel so different now
i never tot tat u always find anothe way to make me ans ur ques
u always ask me sumthg
u care bout me , u wanna noe but me

but i dun care bout u , i even dun wan to noe about u at all
i only ans wat u ask , never ask back
i only ans simple , not so complicated

u try ur best to make me care bout u , try to make me wan to noe bout u , try to share to u
i never find a guy like u before
all i noe is when i do this to d guy , d guy will go awayyy
but u different , not like them :))

n now i wan to tell is u success make me care bout u , wanna noe bout u
n i can ask sumthg tat i wanna not bout u , i can share with u wateve it's