Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

feel so different

feel so different now
i never tot tat u always find anothe way to make me ans ur ques
u always ask me sumthg
u care bout me , u wanna noe but me

but i dun care bout u , i even dun wan to noe about u at all
i only ans wat u ask , never ask back
i only ans simple , not so complicated

u try ur best to make me care bout u , try to make me wan to noe bout u , try to share to u
i never find a guy like u before
all i noe is when i do this to d guy , d guy will go awayyy
but u different , not like them :))

n now i wan to tell is u success make me care bout u , wanna noe bout u
n i can ask sumthg tat i wanna not bout u , i can share with u wateve it's

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