Senin, 15 Februari 2010

u come to my life , suddenly u dissapear

there's sumthg im gonna say to u
u r always b mine , even u far away
just sound of ur voice make me happy like this :)

when i close my eyes , i start think of u
watyaa doin , how u gonna b today , tats all on my mind
i never see u d real , just hear from ur voice

i hope i can see u d real , but its only my imagination
u're not in this life
sumtymes u come to me , n sumtymes u gone

when i happy , u came to me
when i sad , u came to me

when i need u , u didn't came to me

even i dunno who really u r
n how to find u
i only met u by communication

before , i always want to find out who really u r
but now i think is not , im gave up

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Hai... Coba kmu maen ke blogku di

Anonim mengatakan...

Coba main ke blogku di :

eil mengatakan...

@ sir andri :
serem amaat itu gantung diri wkk bacany ajaa ogah hahaha ;p